sylberschall: Handling

No registration and no FTP-account required! It’s quiet easy!

  • complete contact form
  • you will recive an eMail with a link to your own project dropbox folder
  • upload your mix via drag an drop to the project folder
  • Sylberschall gives you a chance to hear a testmaster consisting of one to two minutes of processed material
  • upload your mix an optionally a sound-example file
  • you will recive an eMail as soon as the testmaster is ready for download
  • continue upload with more songs if you are pleased or get one more free remaster after consulting
further processing and billing:
  • choose one of the possible mastering grades
  • upload all songs to your project dropbox folder
  • you will get a message that your bill is in that folder
  • when cashed you’ll find all processed masters in your folder